Saturday, May 16, 2009

New Friends From Japan

So, a couple days ago this guy comes walking into the salon and asks, "Do you guys do crazy haircuts?" to which I replied, "Yeah totally!" He then followed up by asking me "Do you know what a number 1 is?" I laughed and assured him that we did, so we booked him for 45 min later with Jeremy.

Well little did we all know that we were going to have such a fun afternoon and meet 3 totally awesome people from Japan...David, Melissa and Mark!

So Jeremy did a SICK job on Davids cut (and proved to him that we do "crazy" haircuts and we know what a number one is...) and now we all want to go to Japan (tomorrow) and hang with these guys! The cool thing was that they were supposed to go to Mexico for the week but then the swine flu thing happened so they changed all their plans and wondered around the States, it was fate cause we just made 3 rad friends!!!